Well, this is how I look to get started. We'll see whether the this holds up for the rest of the year. Sort of a before and after.
We have finished four out of eight Deputy Grand Masters Rollout Programs. Akron, Youngstown, Columbus, and Middletown are complete. So far the reception seems to be good. I hope the Brethren are as excited about the next year as I am. Hopefully the all the planning pays off in the execution phase. There are still four more rollout programs to go. Next is Cambridge and Jackson. Then Findlay and Sidney. I am truly looking forward to meeting the rest of the Brethren along the way.
The next big event is the Installation of Grand Lodge Officers in Cleveland, Ohio, on October 15, 2011, 11:00AM. This is an open installation. So everyone is invited to see the new Grand Lodge officers being installed. Come out and welcome them to the 2012 Grand Lodge year.